Thursday, October 11, 2007

Picture Galore

Nothing much to say, not much inspiration to write recently. That explains the lack of updates. I dunno what's keeping me so busy that i have even stopped yakking in SMH forum for the past few week!Mummies where all wondering what happened to me. Anyway,I was back in action last nite after mummy 'Autum' told me that they are collating some photos and ask me to contribute mine. Haha!

Everyday, mummy discover new things and skills that Jaden picked up. Now, he's learnt to crawl at a pretty fast speed,learn to grab whatever he sees, asking us for whatever food we are eating, standing up by himself with the support of his bed or the table and now he is trying to balance himself standing without any support! He is still wobbly now, but i think in no time, he will be able to balance himself well.Im now looking forward to the day when he know how to call "ma ma".

He is a baby who cant stay still at all, always wriggling about. Jaden's Papa has thus given him a new name, Wormy Wong.

Here's the pics taken during the past few weeks.

At Dr Wong Clinic

Hmmm, This ducky looks good...

Yum Yum..

Stealing a bit of Ice cream.. Shhhhh....

Ops! Left Evidence!!!

First time in Supermarket Trolley!

Playing with "Feel".. Haha!!!

He Love this Swing!

Hello Snowy!

Early Morning with Sasha

Playing with her paws...

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