Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Post for Year 2008

*Im cooking the pineapple jam for cny pineapple tarts as im posting this entry*

Today is the 24th January and I am posting my first entry of the Year??!! Was in Shanghai after my last entry. Was pretty boring and cold so we came back home earlier than expected. My tummy wasn't very well and so, i did not enjoy this trip at all. Cold,and no appetite to eat. The feeling was horrible!

Jaden had his surgery done exactly 3 weeks ago. I couldn't sleep well the nite before his surgery and i think, he couldn't sleep too cos he actually fussed every hour for the entire nite. I suspect, he's actually aware that he is going for a surgery. We were supposed to be admitted by 7.30am but we actually reach only at abt 8am. All thanks to his daddy, he refuse to get out of bed! He doesn''t seem affected by the fact that his son is going for surgery. We were told that the surgery will be schedule at 2pm that day and we are not suppose to give Jaden any milk or water at all. Poor Boy, his last fed that day was at 6am!! Thus, we dare not eat in front of him. Had to sneak out individually for breakfast and for lunch, we waited till his surgery started before having our lunch. We were all starving by then. The surgery was completed at ard 5.30pm and we went done to the OT to see him. Only one parent could go in and so, WM went in while i waited ooutside with my sis. WM came out with tears in his eyes. He said that he could feel that jaden was in pain but Jaden did not cry, he was merely staring at daddy,in a helpless manner and thus, it broke daddy's heart....

Doc said Jaden was a brave boy. He did not cry at all. They said, all babies would be wailing away when they wake up but Jaden did not. We felt so proud of him. But.... I saw a big big tear at the corner of his right eye. Nobody noticed. He dislike to be seen, crying. We stayed in the hospital that night. Did not sleep at all cos the makeshift bed was so so not comfortable, and Jaden was crying every hour. He lost his sense of security since den. He wakes up crying over the next few nite. He only stops crying when u carry him up and pat him back to sleep. He was discharge the very next day. In order to ensure that he doesn't hurt his thumb at all, his both hands were bandage up like boxing gloves. He was very very angry when he realise that he couldn't hold his fav. Carebear anymore. He screamed. Slowly, he got used to his boxing gloves and started to enjoy it. He goes aroud boxing his toys, boxing us. He could also crawl aroud with it, and he learnt to pick up thing using both hands instead of one.
His bandage were removed last week. Now, only his two thumbs are plastered up. Most of the stitches are still there, but the swell has went down quite alot. I pray that he will recover soon, and will be completely well by CNY.

We are currently staying at my parents plc so i dun have any pictures to load...

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