Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Excel, Formulas, Numbers!!!

Today is my 3rd day at work. I seriously dunno if I can cope with this current job. Its a totally new area, totally new industry and so, everything looks so aliens to me. I dun understand any single jargons used there so Im trying hard to adjust.

The girl that Im taking over, is leaving this friday. Its like a crash course to me. So far, I understand what she had be coaching me on but as there are like almost 30 reports and more than 50 spreadsheets I have to handle and calculate every month, I forresee that Im gonna make tons of mistakes cos I really cant remember all that she's taught me in a week. Its a real challenge for me and I hope I can really cope

However, there's one problem with this job. Location. Its in the west and so i take almost 3hrs a day to travel thru and fro.the HR there initially advise me that I could hope on the company trunk service so I do not have to worry about the distance. But on my first day of work, they actually told me that the transport is full, I cant take. I was so so pissed. Felt like they conned me into accepting the job. *ok,ok. I noe I was dying for this position as well* But still, they did not do as promised! Anyway, I've decided to hope on the transport no matter wat.
Cos its not full at all! Lotsa seats available!

Sometime in the office, I start missing Wormy. I miss the times at home, singing to him, playing with him his fav games, reading to home and so much more!! But staying at home, I feel like Im wasting my life away. Haiz, i really am in a dilemma..


I was away last wednesday to Sunday and I only touched down after 10pm tt day. During that 5 days in HK and China, I did not have enuff sleep at all. Worse still, I had to report to work the very next day. Till today, Im still feel so so so tired and Im so lack of sleep. Looking forward to Friday!!

Wormy went back to my mum's plc last wed b4 i flew. So on Monday evening after work, I went straight back home after work. After not seeing me for more than 5 days,his reaction when he saw me again on monday nite, was so hilarious! My mum was cleaning him when i reached home cos he juz pooed. When he heard my voice, he was so excited, struggled to climb up. Once he saw me, he started screaming and laughing, den he was sort of grumbling at him. And at the same time, he wanted to cry!! That facial experience on him was so so funny! And when I left that nite, he starting crying, wanted to follow me. My heart broke... At that point in time, I felt like quitting to stay home again.

Yesterday, His daddy brought the loot we bought from HK back to my mum's plc. Upon seeing so many Elmo & Sesame Street things, he was so excited! He helped himself to the toys and was rumbling thru the box, looking for more toys. He was laughing away the whole time. After checking out the box, he say the bag of dried seafood on the floor and he starting rumbling thru it too, thinking that there will be more toys for him. He was so happy that night.

Today, I brought the "Tickle Elmo" toy home for him. He wasn't very interested in the toy cos after a few mins, he pushed Elmo on the floor and walked away. Mummy said, probably this elmo laugh too crazily and destroy the image of Elmo in him. I think so too. There's one more Elmo toy yet to be shown to him. Will wait for him to come back this Friday so he can play with it when he comes home with us..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.