Thursday, March 6, 2008

Goodbye, SAHM Days

Im in HK now. Tagged along again, cos i think i shld since im starting work on Monday. I think I'll be freaking tired on monday cos will reach Sin only at abt 11pm on Sunday!!

Tis is probably the most value-for-$$ trip we every had. We booked a 1pm flight on Wed but was told that there was something wrong with the aircraft engine. They need to change another aircraft and it was to a smaller one so the flight was overbooked. They actually gave us 2 options:

  1. Continue with our plan, take the 1pm flight and be on schedule, as planned.
  2. Change to the 3pm flight, so a delay in schedule. To compensate us, the will give us each, S$300 spending money in cash, USD150 for in flight shopping, Meal voucher of S$20 and a souvenier pen.
Well, since we do not have any urgent plan in HK that evening, with no consideration, we took Option 2!!

That's not the end. Since it was a 3pm flight, we reached HK only at 7pm and by the time we checked into out hotel, it was already past 8pm. All thanks to the late check in, the hotel was fully booked and they have to give us a free upgrade to the Continental Club!! Wahaha... That means, bigger room, usage of meeting rooms where u get free drinks in the day, free internet access and free breakfast!! *We paid for the normal room, no breakfast option* So nice right! But we stayed only for a nite cos we headed for Jiangmen and will be back in HK only on sat. I dun think we''l be that lucky anymore la...


Out of boredom, I applied for an accounts position in a telecommunication company a few weeks ago. With no experience at all, I was 100% sure that i would not get the job. A few days later, I was asked to go down for an interview. I went "huh, really ar. Reallyu wan to intervie me meh??" I went down half heartedly. But when i was told that they are actually interviewing me for a finance post, i was jumping with joy quietly inside me. FINANCE!! Something that i was always dying to try out. During my interview, they kept stressing the point that I had no experience at all in finance and also, they'll be interviewing a few more candidates. I prayed hard, hoping that I will be selected. They actually called me the next day, offering me the job. I start to fickle. At that very second, I started to think "I can only have Jaden on weekeds" Do I really wan to go back to work? Do i really wanna miss his 1st 3 years?? Should I stay home and nurture him? There were so many many thoughts in my mind, but since im given this opprotunity, i decided to take it on. I hope its not another shitty job cos they actually need me very urgently... *my past very urgent post were all S*** jobs* Oh, another factor that made me think twice abt this job---- Its in JURONG. Yes, JURONG!! Well, again, I took it cos its a good opportunity for me to go into finance next time.


4 months ago, I decided to quit my job and stay home with Jaden in prep for his ops. His traumatising ops has well been over and he has, I would consider, fully recovered. So here I am, unwillingly going back to the work force again. Not exactly unwillingly, cos there's still this desire in meto have my own career, my goals. But I really will miss my little precious. I will miss waking up to play with him, watching sesame street with him every weekday morning, bathing for him every morning, playing silly games everyday and rocking him to sleep. Oh I miss my little precious so so much!!

My parents n sis went with me to sign my appt letter, and my sis decides to play with the camera while waiting in the car...

Trying to prove that there's no more food in his mouth

With his Favorite Elmo

Care Bear Shines!!!

Hoping to go out...

He refused to get dressed, so Yiyi decides to take a pic of him, naked.

I wan to see the prawn...

Look, boys like to go against how things are suppose to...

Ball Pool!!! (ya i noe its pathetic...) A Hug from ELMO!!!

1 comment:

Mommy Mash said...


wow! ya trip sounds very worth leh..

btw, i was oso like u...thinking of getting a job but but scare i will miss Jaylen badly :(