Yes, Im now officially a Stay-At-Home-Mummy(SAHM). It wasn't that easy as i had alot of entension of my last day at work due as they were unable to find a replacement. Im glad this day has come.
Day 1:
First day being SAHM. Have signed up for Yoga class at the Community Centre nearby hoping to tone up my flabby body. Probably its a weekday morning class, my fellor yoga mates are all housewives, abv 40yrs old. Anyway, im there to work out, so, who cares. My parent came to pick Jaden up b4 i left for my class. Ended at noon, i was wondering what to do in the aftnn since Jaden is at my parents place. First day only, and im wondering how to kill time??!! Went home and pack my room (which was at the top of my To-Do list la) The problem with a big bedroom is, we end up dumping everything and anything in the room and they sits there till a thick layer of dust sits on top and we never ever start using it. Only manage to clear 10% of the room and i gave up. Went hoe to pick Jaden up.
Day 2:
I've planned to bring jaden for Gymboree today since weeks ago. Confirm the class is on. I love bringing Jaden for Gymboree classes, cos u can juz see how much he enjoys. Within seconds, u can see the smile on his face and hear his laughter. Im considering signing up a package so he can attend the class on a weekly basis.
Only less than 5 mins into the class and we're so happy!
Flying Experience
The Gym Stations
Im very near the ball!
Happy Boy
Crawling thru the Tunnel
He loves the balls!!
Bubbles! Bubbles!
He can track with his eyes very well now
Catching Bubbles
He wans to interact with Claire
Jaden & Po Po
Day 3=Today:
Okay. I have to continue packing the room so mummy brought him home again cos its gonna be very dusty and its impossible for me to do any packing if he is aroud. Packed another 10%. Hb was quite impressed with my packing. Wahaha! Not bringing Jadenhome tonight cos i want to sleep. He's been fussing every nite, on a hourly basis. Suspect he's teething. So my dad say,s he'll bring him home so i can sleep. (Of cos la, cos its my mummy doing the job at nite. Hah!) I love my parents!!!
Pictures! Pictures!! Picture!!!
Us with the cupcakes
Greedy boy! Grabbing so many toys at a time!
Yummy Books
Mummy's Playing "Old Macdonald"!!
With Gong Gong
Thats a piece of bread in his mouth
He hates the hat. Mummy refuse to remove. So he bites Mummy.