Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jaden's 1st Studio Pictures!

3 weeks ago, I was still blogging abt my newly found job and how i really hope it'll work out. Sad enough to say, I'll be serving my last day with the company tomorrow. It has got nothing to do with the job ( its quite boring actually, but well, every job is boring i guess), its the distance. I reckon that having to spend almost 3 hours a day travelling to and fro work is really a waste of time. The time wasted could actually be spent with Jaden. Mum agrees and she too, thinks I might as well quit. so on my 7th day of work, I tendered my resignation. Im gonna be a SAHM again!!

Was on leave on Friday for the long awaited photo session at Foto-U. The phtotgrapher was David, who happened to be Weijie&Jasmine's Wedding Day photographer. Saw his portfolio on their website and really love the shoots he captures. I muz say, he's really great and he got so many nice pics oj Jaden tat day. Really tiring for all of us except J i think. Cos all the adults were jumping and playing so hard so as to make him laugh. He was pretty cranky cos it was near his nap time. I tot we couldn't get much nice pics this time and was really prepared to be dissapointed with the photos. But to my surprise, the photos came out great and I was really happy with it. Now, Im having a headache chosing the pictures...

1 comment:

love said...

How's life being back to a SAHM?
Your studio pixs look so fun! Makes me feel like smiling just looking at the pixs. :) Oh ya, your hubby looks young too.