Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Climbing up the Big Big Bed

I think boys are generally much more difficult to handle as compared to girls. I do agree that little girls nowadays can be as active as little boys, but no matter how active they are, at some point in time, you can see their quiet moments, sitting down without getting on your nerves. However, this does not happen to most of the little boys out there. It seems that they are filled with zillions of energy; they can wait to get them out. Every weekend, I go through 2 full days of physical training with him. He touches everything that he sees, pulls everything that is within his reach. He climbs up the coffee table, sits there and meddle with all my things. He crawl under the coffee table, attempting to reach for Sasha when she’s sleeping or resting there. He uses his toys, or anything that's in his hands, and throw them at his 3 poor Mini Schnauz. He runs after them, scare them and pulls their fur. He tries walking around with his both eyes close, he ended up banging into the wall several times. He walks into the bathroom, sticks his hands into the toilet bowl to play with the water in there. I spend my weekend days watching him, chasing after him.

He loves to play “Catching” recently. I dunno where he learnt this from, but after his bathe on Saturday, I picked up his diapers and wanted to put it on for him. He laughed as he ran away from he and hide behind his cot. He was giggling away when I ran to him. Then before he head back to my parent’s place, he did the same thing when I picked up his shorts. I have to threaten him that I’m leaving without him before he willingly came back to me.

We went for Fathers Day dinner at Elias on Saturday. On Sunday, we had Fish head Steamboat. Its tough bringing a kid out for dinner. He insist of having his set of cutlery, not for use, but so that he can knock and make noises with it, which is very rude. He does not cooperate and refuse to sit in his high chair throughout the dinner. He hates eating proper meal and spit his food all over. He throws tissue paper all over the floor and I have to clear up his mess.

My mum was telling me about an incident that happened a few days back. My dad and her were watching TV in the room and J was running around, close to the bed. My dad commented, “ Luckily, he’s not leant how to climb up our bed. Else we cant watch TV so peacefully and have to watch out for him”. The next minute, J was climbing up their bed with the help of the bed frame, smiling at them. He seems to be trying to prove them wrong. Haha… I witness him climbing up my bed too. Have to be extra careful from now.

Nowadays, he sticks to me like a Koala bear when I reach home from work. I guess he is just not used to my absence for the whole dy and also leaving him alone at popo’s place. He insist that I carry him immediately when I reach home, without even allowing me to put my bag down. Then he will shout at whoever attempts to carry him, even gonggong and popo.

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