Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I haven got the time to update anything for the past one month. Started work for almost a month. HORRIBLE. You muz be thinking, its y problem cos i haven been working for so long. But hey... Lishan is oso suffering there okay. Both of us are juz staying put till a better offer comes along. Seriously, I wonder if i can last till a better offer comes along.

Wormy is a big boy now. Well, he's a big boy to me. He's turning 16 month next tuesday. Nowadays, its tough to look after him. He always seems to be so full of energy, its not easy to keep up with him. Wm agrees too and he even suggested that its time we should start exercising. He now knows how to say "No" if he doesn't want/like something by shaking his head. He will also nod his head if he wants something. Having grown taller, he can now reach alot of things which he cant previously and so, we had to place our fragile things somewhere else. He shares food with us too. Everytime he ask for his snacks, he'll feed whoever is with him too. So sweeeeet...

He'll touch things which we forbid him to, like the fan, switch, bowls (he's broken so many, we've lost track how many he broke),etc. He's a busybody too. Everytime my phone rings or if there an sms, he'll bring the phone to me and insist that i answer or read my sms. He loves to play with my phone and he's so careless, he always drop it. I've sent my phone for repair twice in less than 6 months. Just last week.... while i was busy filling his bathtub with water for his shower, he happily took ny phone, dipped it in his water and asked me to look at what he did. Seeing his proud face, I forgot about being angry and started laughing away.. I finally understand why parents can laugh at naughty doings of their children.

We brought him to town last saturday and did some shopping. He enjoyed playing with other kids that he met. I realised, he loves baby too. Its been many occasion that I see him running to prams with newborn sleeping inside. He smile and touches their little feets. Then he'll turn to me and smile at me, like he wants to tell he that he loves that baby. Many people had been telling me that its time to have a second one since Jaden loves baby soo much. I would love to, but den again, when i think abt labour, confinement, sleepless feeding nites, etc.... Its scary. Also, I will not have the privilege to spend personal time with Jaden anymore. Yes I know, Im thinking too much. But one more baby, its a added responsibility, added expenses.

Let nature takes its course la.....

Some photos...

We attend my cousin wedding a few Sundays ago. Decided to gel his hair ... Nice! haha!

Went to the airport to pick my sis up from bangkok. Waited for almost an hour....

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