When i saw the date of my last post, I realise how horribly lazy I've been. Its been more than a month since i last posted. Procrastination. Everyday, I just tell myself "Im too tired, I'll post tml instead since there's no difference posting today and tml". Haha, so there is a big difference of 1 month now! Let me recall wat we did the past one month.
1st-11th November
We went Vivo for dim sum and to spend away my Zara vouchers as they were expiring soon. Erm, Dim Sum was a last min decision cos i was starving and when we were there, I saw this huge "50% off dim sum" signage outside this chinese restaurant called "Boss". Since im a sucker for Dim sum, we decided to dine there. Its a very nice, and the food is fantastic. I'll definately be back for more. They dun serve the usual boring peanuts as appetiser. Appetiser was some cucumber, carrot and popiah skin sticks. Something nice and lite. Jaden had most of the cucumber and carrots while we ate the crunchy skins.
He tried the carrot first and i think he likes it
Den the cucumber. Its bland. Haha
He's so happy with wat he has done. Check out the floor "littered" with all his food.
We pass by this Thomas and friend thingy. He was playing happily in it. Check out the price to sit on this now!! During my time, it was only 20 cents. Now, its actually $1 wor!!
Snapped a picture of him on his potty. Heh!
Kidzloft was having a 50% storewide sale so we decided to check it out. There were many many great buys. It was really a 50% storewide and the toys were so interesting. It was so cheap, we bot lotsa stuff there. Toys, bedsheet, pillowcase, beddings, pyjamas, stroller pad, musical mobile, diaper holders, swimsuits, and lots more that i cant remember. We spent a bomb there. Went there 3 times and all in all, we spent more than $500!! Imagine if there werent any sales, my loot would have cost more than $1k!
Jaden on Moo Moo. We bot this!!
See that giraffe backpack behind us? We got that too!
We saw the bumbo seat there, and gong gong decided to let jaden try the seat. I had been wanting to buy this since Jaden was 4mths old, but my parents kept nagging, saying that its not necessary. But when they let jaden try it that day, they fell in love it it too! Dad happily asked me to buy, thinking that it cost only $20+. When i told him the price, he was shocked and so we decided not to buy. However, we started regretted to buying again. A few weeks later, we decided to grab it la. Anyway there were not 50% discount for Bumbo during the sale too. Finally got his Bumbo seat. I let him sit in it this morning and watch sesame st. He sat in his Bumbo, watched sesame st, and was happily swinging his legs while he watched. So cute. And it was goods for me too cos i could at least washed his bottles, clean up the room while he sat there.
Gong Gong, Are u sure it wun topple???
At Zara
I was trying out the shades at Zara, and i decided to tease Jaden with the shades on. He found it funny to see such a huge shade on mummy's face. Haha!
I let him tried the shades too. He was so happy. My vain boy.
My Graduation 10th November 2007
4 years ago, I made a decision to take up my part time degree course. The course lasted 3 years, from Jun 2003 to Jul 2006. It wasn't easy to be working and studying at the same time. It took alot of discipline. And me, of cos i did not have the discipline and i missed lotsa class. Looking back, i kinda regretted. Shld have put in more effort and get better results but anyway, I've finally gotten my Degree, graduating with a 2nd class 2nd division Honours degree from the University of Bradford. It was a long wait cos the congregation was heald only 1yrs and 4mths after i completed my course. Some photos to share..

2nd Week of November
Too much play and activities the previous 2 weeks, time to stay at home. Papa still brought Jaden out on Sunday but no pics were taken. Mostly picstures at home.
new and much bigger mat, Mickey Mouse and friends.
Kids really hate walkers. That was wat my mom tolds me. Its the same for Jaden. Everytime we try to plc him in his walker, He''l curl his legs up to stop us from putting him in. If i pull his legs open to slot him in, he'll scream. Look at how irritated he looks in his walker.
He refuse to nap tat day, kept climbing up in his yao lan.

Snowy is Jaden's favorite dogs. He's the only dog that can really get close to him for long. Jaden doesn;t mind Snowing licking him all over his face and his ears, his hands and his body. The only part he hats, are his legs. However, if sasha were to lick him on his face, he'll start screaming and cry. After his dinner on a saturday, he was playing with snowy. "Snowy, u wan my porridge uh?"
These days, he is crawling faster n faster. This min, he maybe at one end of the room. The next min, he's crawled out of ur sight. So i really have to be chasing after him every seconds.He crawl and crawled all the way to the kitchen, saw the stool and start playing hide n seek with popo using the stool.
The 2 boys

We went for breakfast with his Yee Yee and uncle Daniel on Sunday morning at Cafe Cartel. Wanted to go there long ago. Finally made it there. Jaden had their bread for breakfast. He loves bread. Tell him the word bread, he gets very excited and will start jumping.
He wans to check out the menu too...
Greedy boy, such a huge piece of bread!
19th November 2007
Oliver's mama is not workign today so she arranged for a Gymboree session. Jaden was cranky that day, i dunno y. So he din really enjoyed much except for the singing and bubble time. Oliver's chinese name is also Zhi Kai, same as Jaden. We've planned long ago for these 2 boys to meet.
Here's some pics of the 2 Zhikai
The 3 Boys: Jaden, Jaylen and Oliver

That's Vanda, the only girl tat day! Vanda, Jaden, Jaylen, Oliver
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