I received a email from Go Go Bambini sometime last week and I remember that i saw something like, "Kids below 2yr plays for free". So this morning, I decided, since its my last day at home, I might as well bring J there. Even if its not free, at least he still get to play.
We reach there slightly past noon, and because its a weekday and still pretty early, theres no crowd at all. Usually when we go on weekends, where there are so many kids and the older kids are always very rough, I had to keep my eyes on J to make sure he is safe. Today, there was only J and another gal, who is 1 month older than J, in the ball pool. They had fun playing together, J hugged the gal while they were playing. Oh my, he's been showing affection to almost every girls he meets since last Saturday. So embarrassing.
We moved to the bigger play areas shortly after since J never got a chance to play there when its crowded cos its too dangerous. He had fun playing in the big area, climbing up the slide, sliding down, standing on a merry-go-round lookalike, until he had a big fall. I think he hurt his right elbow cos when i ran to him, he kept pointing his right elbow. I was worried that he might have fractured his elbow but he was back to normal in less than 5 mins so i bet, he's fine.
We had our lunch there too cos J played too hard and was hungry although he had his porridge before we left for GGB. He saw some kids having french fries and sandwiches, he was salivating and asking me for "mumm mumm". He continued playing after food until he saw the computers there and started playing with them.
He was shouting excitedly when he saw the first ball pool near the entrance and wanted to jump in. I had to drag him to the area for younger kids. We had a huge struggle, trying to put his socks on before he enter, and look at him when he jump in.....................
Monthes ago at Gymboree, he feared taking the slides. Today, he tried it agin and love it.
Hungry boy waiting for his food...
The computer geek!