Yesterday, I gave him a pail filled with a bit of water since he refuse to leave me alone. Water is the only thing he could play for a long time. I had some peace packing the room while he was playing. Just as i was checking to see how he was doing, I saw him curiously picking up the pail, bringing it up, higher n higher, and den.... *SPLASH*~~ He brought the pail up above his head, overturn it and the pail of cold water splash right into his face. He was really shocked, he din react and simply stared into the pailed. But it was so hilarious, I was laughing non-stop till I had a tummy ache. Seeing me laugh so badly, he started laughing at his own silly doing.
J had recently picked up this weird habit of going to the flush toilet, bend over and pretend to cough and spit into it. I dunno where he learnt this from, I almost fainted when he did it for the first time. They really learn things so fast, we really gotta watch our actions carefully.
There's this irritating mosquito in my bedroom. Maybe its mosquitoES instead. J has got like 5-6bites so far that they are always big, swoillen and very hard after that. It's been a week and I still cant find these irritating mossies!
Last saturday, we went for morning walk at east coast beach. J loves looking at the sea and he stood watching the sea for like almost 20mins before started roaming around. He strolled by himself for quite sometime until he saw a golden retriever passing by, he started to fuss and wanted me to carry him. Jac n david came shortly after we were done with our walk and we had breakfast at mac b4 heading to tampines for coffee. YiHao was there too and as usual, J was happily playing with him but he was so so rough, he 'poked' YH's eyes twice. Could see that J really loved him cos I saw him attempting to rest his head on YH.. Tat's how he usually shows his love for something. Like how he always reast his head on us when we ask him to sayang us, resting his head on his favorite Elmo, etc..
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